BREAKING NEWS: Arkansas Department of Health Enforcing Ban of Dogs on Patios

I was pointed by our reader, Jennifer B., to a post on U.S. Pizza’s Facebook wall this afternoon indicating that the Arkansas Department of Health is now forbidding them from permitting dogs on their patios because it’s deemed “a health department violation.” Have a look. This enforcement is about to impact dozens of local restaurantsContinue reading “BREAKING NEWS: Arkansas Department of Health Enforcing Ban of Dogs on Patios”

We’re famous!

We’re very excited (and honored) that our site is featured in today’s InArkansas “Play” blog. Thanks to associate editor, Lauren James, for a great write-up! And, now that the weather seems to have decided that, yes indeed, it’s now really-for-real spring, we’ll be heading out to more patios and reporting back; we still have quiteContinue reading “We’re famous!”