We’re famous!

We’re very excited (and honored) that our site is featured in today’s InArkansas “Play” blog. Thanks to associate editor, Lauren James, for a great write-up! And, now that the weather seems to have decided that, yes indeed, it’s now really-for-real spring, we’ll be heading out to more patios and reporting back; we still have quiteContinue reading “We’re famous!”

Here a Patio, There a Patio….

We’ve been heading out to a few of the patios on our list with Miss Roxanne, and so far, so good! Everyone has been really receptive and friendly, and we’ve been pleased to see at least two or three dogs on the patios. Last Sunday, Mike and I took our brand-spankin’-new bikes for a 15-ishContinue reading “Here a Patio, There a Patio….”